Thursday, 26 November 2009

magazine cover :)

Now we have just about finished our main task and we have finished our poster we are going to start on the magazine cover which is our thrid ancillary task. For research we have used the website,, to research some different fonts we liked. Here are some of the ones we have shortlisted, with some people's opinions on each one.

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Film magazine covers.

Looking at film magazine covers we have found we can see that they vary in colour schemes and have large bold text on the cover.

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Practicle- review

After looking at our film clip we have thought that we need to film a little extra to for better quality clips. we also thought that we need to rethink about the text on the footage. We are still looking for copy right free music to go with our trailer.

pratical update :)

We have nearly finished our main task of our film trailer and for the past few weeks we have been editing our film, adding transitions and text to try and create the best trailer we can, we have since decided that we want to change the opening text as we feel that it doesn't catch the audiences attention enough. We also need to add a soundtrack to our trailer and we have done two drafts for our poster task.