Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Research, Murderers.

Killers Motives

Murderers can have many motives for killing, Some do it for the thrill and the feel of power. Others it can stem way back to when they where a child and were neglected or abused as children.It may be a way to extract revenge even. Or it may just be to do with many mental problems. After doing some research into WHY people murder we found that there where three kinds of murderers.

Some people will just kill the once and then turn themselves in, live with their sin or actually kill themselves. This usually means the murder was an accident which is known as manslaughter.Or the person would have committed the crime and realised it was wrong. Even though killing is wrong, the mind of this person is morally right and the person is therefore classed as being more "normal". However other types of murderers such as serial killers have a different perspective. Serial killers intend to kill large amounts of people untill they are eventually caught, this could go on for weeks, months or years. They often have problems with "the outsude world" and the public in general. Their motives are based on phsycological gratification, and sexual element is often involved. The murders committed usually have somthing in common with each other. The serial killer is often labelled as a physcopath, and they usually lack empathy and guilt and often act impulsivly. They do not conform to socal, moral and legal normalities.

We decided that we would like to feature a serial killer that bases murders on having them organised, this is known as being an Organised/Non social offender. This is considered to be the worst type as it has been extremely thought through and planned to tiny details. These types of murderers are usually very intellegent. They plan their murders methodically, abuse and torture the victim in one place and then dispose of the body in another. They would often use mind tricks to lure people in and try to gain their sympathy. For example, Ted Bundy would wear a cast on his arm and ask women to help him to his car, then he would knock them unconscious with a metal bar. Others would target prostitutes, whom are more likely to go with a stranger. They have high control and often have a high understanding of forensics to be able to cover their tracks. They are often influenced by other acts in the media, and see thier own murders as "works of art".

Drawing from this research in relation to our own work, we decided that by giving "the murderer" charachter a profile of being an organised serial killer it would give a scarier errier feel. We had ideas that we want to convey that the murderer had thought long and hard about who he was going to murder and how he was going to do it. We decided that by trying to get this through in the short time of a trailer, we could show flashing imagery of other murderers that this particular murderer could find "inspirational", linking in with the research that murderers are often inspired by others. We also had ideas about how we could show that the murderer was very organised. We decided that fitting in with the fast flashes of imegery we could show pitures of the victims, but also things such as buildings of relevance, floor plans, newspaper cuttings and various weapons. As the editing would be very quick, the audience would not really get a full vision of this as such, just a slight glimpse.

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