Monday, 5 October 2009

marketing our project :)

First off, starting with our film trailer we have thought about places where our film trailer would be advertised, we thought about the television, cinema and the internet and for our poster and magazine we thought about bus stops, side of buses, magazines, billboards, websites and radio. We have also hugely considered viral marketing as this is how most film institutions make there money now so we have thought about psoting a trailer on the website YouTube and also having adverts and sneak preview trailers on social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook.
We discussed the certificate for our film and initially we all agreed on 18 but we know that the gore may appeal to younger viewers and they may try and download the film illegally so we decided on a certifcate of 15 so that we would not be breaking any marketing laws.
Our target audience for our film are both male and female, but mostly male as the gore may not appeal to women as much as men, age wise youngest being 15 and oldest being about 25 as a more mature audience may not be drawn in by the gore, also our audience will not be upper class as they are a more sophisticated audicence but it may appeal to middle and lower class audiences and particulary lower class audiences as they may have experienced some sort of violence in there lives and so can relate to the storyline in the film. Also, our audience will be the lowest of socio-economic status such as students and the underclass.
The signifiers in our film are the characters as they relate to the audience as they are the same age and the fact that anyone is suseptible to vulnerability and for people who are adrenalin junkies and enjoy adrenalin rushes and this is shown through our mise en scene with the flashing images in our trailer.
Young and Rubicam talked about the label marketing theory where specific types of people watched different films, the target audiences they described did not fit into our film trailer as we have a very specific audience of young people who are possibly working but are probably students.

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